Jan 10, 2009

~ birds

(Jan 9/09) One thing dear to my heart and one of the great joys in my life, is nature... trees, grass, flowers, ocean, landscape... and birds. Warblers flitting in the trees, hummingbirds whizzing by, majestic eagles soaring, herons wading, robins calling (and they seem to have a myriad of calls), beautiful woodpeckers perched on an old tree.

When I'm camping, I love being awake just before dawn, and listening to the forest wake up, and the symphony of birdsong begin. Some of my most magical moments have been when I've been standing quietly in the forest with birds trusting me enough to be inches away as they go about their job of building a nest or gathering food, or filling the air with music.

1 comment:

Nina Chatelain said...

I know exactly what you mean. Birds have a natural kind of magic.